Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen Thirteen Edition 2017

That this edition of Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen should appear 44 years after the first British edition & 27 years after its first publication in the U.S. is eloquent testimony to the author's clear, concise explanation of a difficult skill.Throughthose years, Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen has been the best-known, best-loved primer on the subject throughout the English-speaking world. It successfully teaches sailors who have been demoralized by bigger books. Among other changes, this edition substitutes the Nautical Almanac for the Air Almanac, discusses the short tables based on H.O. 211, expands the discussion in a few areas, fine-tunes it in others, & shows how to advance a line of position for a running fix from sun sights

Author: Blewitt, Mary
Edition: 13thEdition
Pages: 75
Book format: paperback

Product code: 60.62.190


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